Alicia as a Coach

Choose Alicia.

You’re feeling stuck, your energy is depleted, and you feel as though life keeps knocking you down. You may have experienced a major life transition (or a few) and are feeling completely lost and unable to see the light at the end of the tunnel. Or, maybe you do see that light but it feels so far away and that it’s an unattainable goal. Working with Alicia can help you find your zest for life. You can do the hard thing, you are stronger than you know.


What are your goals?

Imagine what your life would be like if you didn’t hold yourself back from doing that thing you’ve always wanted to do. What is it? How does the idea of that thing in your life make you feel? Maybe you have a hard time standing in your own power and authenticity. What is your power? How can you utilize it to create your highest and favorite self?

Where are you stuck?

So you can visualize the life you want, great! Where are you stuck? What are the barriers to making these thoughts manifest into your reality? Are they old narratives or are they other’s thoughts and insecurities that you have taken on as your own? Are you already in the process of a healing journey and other life transitions added additional roadblocks?

Let’s solve it!

Alicia has the experience both personally and professionally to help you navigate through difficult life circumstances, changes in life plans, growing through struggle, and coming out on top. Lasting change can be challenging but Alicia has your back.

Interested in Alicia as a coach?

Schedule a 30 minute meeting with Alicia to see if she is the right person for you!